Brother Gary’s First Profession

First profession Brother Gary

On Friday, 10th July 2020, Brother Gary Rego OFM Cap made his first profession of the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience during Evening Prayer at the Capuchin Novitiate of San Lorenzo in Santa Ynez, California. It was on the last day of their novitiate year and he was able to celebrate together with the other novices and the Capuchin formation community there.

Brother Gary professes his vows into the hands of the Novice Director Father Robert

Our Australian Capuchin province sends its novices to the United States to complete this important canonical year of their discernment and formation together with the other novices of the Capuchin provinces throughout the United States and Canada. Usually, however, our novices return to Australia to make their profession in the presence of our Australian brothers and members of the novices’ families. This year, due to coronavirus quarantine issues etc Brother Gary made his profession before flying home.

A blessing

Brother Gary will soon join our other young men in the Post-Novitiate formation program at St Anthony’s in Hawthorn. As he is a candidate for the priesthood, he will soon be starting studies in philosophy and theology. For more on our formation program, click here.
For those interested in finding out more about a vocation to our way of life, and joining these young men in consecrating their lives to God, click here.

Father Robert removes Brother Gary’s caperone – which is a piece of material that is worn over the novitiate habit (a bit like a scapular)
Brother Gary is presented with a copy of the Rule of St Francis and the Capuchin Constitutions.
The signing of the documents
The greeting of peace. Welcome newly professed Brother Gary!!