The Capuchin Friars joined about 20,000 young Catholics from all around Australia who gathered in Sydney for the 2017 Australian Catholic Youth Festival from 7th-9th December 2017. The theme for the Festival was “Open new horizons for spreading joy: Young people, faith and vocational discernment”. The massive event was a celebration of the Catholic faith and involved Plenary Session rallies, inspiring talks, praise and music, Mass and reconciliation, an Expo arena, workshops, as well as a concluding pilgrimage to the Final Mass in the Domain.
The Capuchins were pleased to have a very strong presence with about 14 in attendance (including friars and postulants – that’s lots of brown!). The friars contributed through having an Expo stall where they could share the Capuchin charism and our mission in the Church with young people; by giving a couple of talks and interviews; by being available for the Sacraments; and by accompanying young people who made the journey to the festival from our Capuchin presences.
A little highlight clip from the Festival is below. Let us keep all these young people in our prayers as they enter into the 2018 Year of Youth – a special year dedicated to supporting young people in the Church in Australia, on the 10th anniversary of the 2008 World Youth Day in Sydney.